Reduce Gallbladder Pain, Dissolve Gallstones, Improve Bile Flow, and Improve Digestion


if you no longer have a gallbladder this course will help improve your liver and bile flow for improved digestion and nutrient absorption.

"I have dealt with that dull pain off and on for many years! I have always called the dull pain "the thorn in my side" but its gotten so much better in 4 days applying your advice!" - Gina

"I haven't had a gallbladder attack in 4 months since starting your course!" - Tori



Its a sign that your liver isn't functioning well and needs support.

Removing the gallbladder doesn't solve the problem, it simply removes the symptom while the underlying condition persists.

That underlying condition is a liver that is under distress, inflammed or sluggish and isn't producing good quality bile, leading to bile sludge or gallstones.

Learn how to improve your liver health, bile flow and dissolve gallstones with simple nutrition and lifestyle changes.

Who Am I and Why You Should Join


I'm Lisa, I'm 44 and my gallbladder and liver have never been healthier.

My mom, aunts and grandmas all lost their gallbladders. I too have all the genes for gallbladder disease but I figured out the key to a healthy gallbladder using my background in chemistry, biochemistry and nutrition.

I help break down the technical stuff in a way you can understand it.

I only teach what works and leave out all the fluff.

This Course Is For You If One or More of These Apply:

You had a gallbladder attack

You have pain in upper right quadrant

You feel sick after eating

You have digestive discomfort, gas and bloating

You have gallstones

You have bile sludge

You have SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth)

You don't have a gallbladder 

The average

out-of-pocket cost for gallbladder removal surgery is $3000.

And 40% of people experience lifelong digestive problems after gallbladder removal.

This course can help dissolve gallstones, reverse gallbaldder disease, and improve liver function and bile flow.

Whats Inside:


VIDEO 1: How the gallbladder and liver works
VIDEO 2: What causes gallbladder disease and gallstones
VIDEO 3: How to revitalize and support the gallbladder and liver through food, supplementation and gentle activities
VIDEO 4: The supplement that can dissolve gallstones
VIDEO 5: How to improve bile flow
VIDEO 6: MTHFR and folic acid


Course Workbook

"3 Every 3" Simple Nutrition

Easy Meal Plan to help you know exactly what to eat and get results quickly

Gallstones Protocol

Quick reference guide to resolving gallstones

Pregnancy and Breastfeeding Guide

How to Safely Dissolve Gallstones During Pregnancy or Breastfeeding

4 week meal plan

Easy, kid-friendly, delicious, gluten-free meal plan.

50+ page recipe book

Easy and delicious breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack recipes.

Grocery lists for meal plan

Makes it so easy to get every thing you need for the meal plan

List of foods to avoid

You can still eat many of your favorite foods! You don't have to cut out meat, fruit, eggs and many other things you have been told.

Daily routine to improve bile flow

Learn how to structure your day to support liver health and bile flow.


15 minute private consultation with Lisa for personalized support.

Valued at $149

(the cost of a private consultation plus meal plan, recipe books and printable guides)

You get lifetime access plus a free 15-minute private consultation.

Today's Price: $79 USD


"I kept my gallbladder and lost 25 lbs since April and have no more attacks! Thank you Lisa!" -Sltlal

"I changed my diet and I haven't had a gb attack or discomfort since January!! I cancelled the surgery and I'm just trying to support my liver and make good choices." - Anastasia

"I purchased your gallbladder/liver course a while back and followed the suggested menu and dropped weight, lowered my cholesterol and came off meds" - Jody

"Your gallbladder program has begun to heal my liver! I no longer have gallbladder pain or right shoulder pain with every breath, I'm so thankful I found you!"

"This course is the readl deal!!! I bought it about a month ago, and honestrly never had pain since, I was in chronic pain for 3 months, no doctors helped they wanted to remove my gallbladder... I am even on vacation this week in a resort and eating healthy options and enjoying. Thanks Lisa!" - GL

"Lisa your gallbladder revival really helped me!! I have had no symptoms! Thank you!" - Cathy

After completing this course you will:

Understand how the liver, gallbladder, and bile works
What foods and substances harm the liver and gallbladder
Understand what foods, supplements and activities support a healthy liver and gallbladder


Better sleep
Have more comfortable digestion
Absorb more nutrients from food
Improve your skin over time
Better mood
Improved your mental health
Faster weight loss
Lower cholesterol

Frequently Asked Questions:

What do I get when I join?

-Lifetime access to pre-recorded video education so you can understand how the liver and gallbladder work

-Course workbook

-"3 Every 3" Simple Weight Loss Program

-Four-week flexible meal plan

-Easy, kid-friendly recipe book

How long do I get access for?

You will get instant and lifetime access to everything inside the challenge so you can go through it at your own pace.

Do I get a refund if I don't see results?

Here's my promise to you: if you watch the videos and implement the meal plan and you don't see any improvements in pain, energy, sleep or digestion, email me at [email protected] and I'll give you a full refund.

Will this work for vegetarians or vegans?

If you are a vegetarian and eat seafood, eggs and dairy, it can be adapted. Its not suitable for vegans.